Suprnova's lbryCoin Pool // Algo: Special LBRY-Algo // LIVE

stratum+tcp:// (Vardiff)

./sgminer -k lbry -o stratum+tcp:// -u suprnova.1 -p d=16 -I 21 -g 4 -w 256 

Nicehash & ASICs:

You can also mine directly to your wallet without registration by using -u WALLET as an option to your miner - HiveOS, SMOS etc all supported.
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 1,543,942 PPLNS Shares 6,446,645,245
Height 1,535,139 Estimated Shares 61,193,396,725,095,336
Amount 197 Target Variance 949,228,542.90 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 999,009,918,472
Difficulty 933737132646.11 Average Efficiency 6,125,404.32 %
Time 2024-04-01 00:20:53 Target Rounds 10
Shares 2,955,045,584,811 Seconds This Round 2,464,234
Finder anonymous Round Variance 45,838.50 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
anonymous 2,147,483,647 0.07 2,147,483,647 33.31 45,838.50 145.49645626
asamining 2,147,483,647 0.07 2,147,483,647 33.31 45,838.50 43.63151018
kotelevets 2,147,483,647 0.07 2,147,483,647 33.31 45,838.50 7.87120647
anonymous 44,040,192 0.00 4,194,304 0.07 4,365.57 0.00082710
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 2,147,483,647 1,075,183,486 50.07
2 asamining 2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 100.00
3 anonymous 2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 100.00
4 wizardvv 2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 100.00
5 kotelevets 2,147,483,647 464,777,639 21.64
6 anonymous 1,042,764,694 13,981,013 1.34
7 Tegar 874,486,808 0 0.00
8 fams 790,840,085 0 0.00
9 goodmancz 66,060,288 0 0.00
10 xygldam 54,525,952 0 0.00
11 anonymous 44,040,192 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 asamining 2,147,483,647 483,882,436 22.53
2 anonymous 2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 100.00
3 kotelevets 2,147,483,647 112,824,495 5.25
4 anonymous 4,194,304 0 0.00